First World War CentennialFirst World War Centennial

Chapter II: At Mount Vernon: Addresses in the United States by M. René Viviani and Marshal Joffre


At Mount Vernon

sunday, april 29th


WE could not remain any longer in Wash­ington without accomplishing this pious pilgrimage. In this spot lies all that is mortal of a great hero. Close by this spot stands the modest abode where Washington rested after the tremendous labour of achieving the emancipa­tion of a nation. In this spot meet the admir­ation of the whole world and the veneration of the American people. In this spot rise before us the glorious memories left by the soldiers of France led by Rochambeau and Lafayette; a descendant of the latter, my friend M. de Chambrun, ac­companies us. And I esteem it a supreme honour as well as a satisfaction for my conscience to be entitled to render this homage to our ancestors in the presence of my colleague and friend, Mr. Balfour, who so nobly represents his great nation. By thus coming to lay here the respectful tribute of every English mind, he shows, in this historic moment of communion which France has willed. what nations that live for liberty can do. When we contemplate in the distant past the luminous presence of Washington, in nearer times the ma­jestic figure of Abraham Lincoln; when we respect­fully salute President Wilson, the worthy heir of these great memories, we at one glance measure the vast career of the American people. It is be­cause the American people proclaimed and won for the nation the right to govern itself, it is be­cause it proclaimed and won the equality of all men, that the free American people at the hour marked by fate has been enabled with command­ing force to carry its action beyond the seas; it is because it was resolved to extend its action still further that Congress was enabled to obtain within the space of a few days the vote of conscription and to proclaim in the full splendour of civil peace the necessity for a National Army. In the name of France I salute the young army which will share in our common glory.

While paying this supreme tribute to the memory of Washington, I do not diminish the effect of my words when I turn my thoughts to the memory of so many unnamed heroes. I ask you by this tomb to bow in earnest meditation and all the fervour of piety before all the soldiers of the allied nations who for nearly three years have been fighting under different flags for the same ideal. I beg you to address the homage of your hearts and souls to all the heroes, born to live in happiness, in the tranquil pursuit of their labours, in the enjoyment of all human affections, who went into battle with virile cheerfulness and gave themselves up, not to death alone, but to the eternal silence that closes over those whose sacrifice remains nameless, in the full knowledge that, save for those who loved them, their very names would disappear with their bodies. Their monument is in our hearts. Not the living alone greet us here; the ranks of the dead themselves rise to surround the soldiers of liberty.

At this solemn hour in the history of our world, while heralding from this sacred mound the final victory of justice, I extend to the Republic of the United States the greetings of the French Re­public.