First World War CentennialFirst World War Centennial

Chapter IX: At The Chicago Stock Yards: Addresses in the United States by M. René Viviani and Marshal Joffre




Citizens of Chicago:

MY FIRST words in this vast and enthusi­astic assembly are a salute to the Army of the United States here represented, to the Navy represented here by the brothers of those who have already gone to the coasts of France. Next, in the name of all the working classes of France, I greet the workers of Chicago who to-day have left their tasks to listen to the words France brings. I greet all the working men and women here assembled and fused into one mass, to whatever race they may belong, citizens alike of these formidable United States, Slavs, Greeks, Bohemians, Poles, Russians, brothers of those who are now labouring in the cause of the independence and emancipation of Russia, all those, in a word, who have come here to welcome us. And I avail myself of this opportunity to refute in the name of France one of the vilest slanders directed against us. For many months efforts have been made to persuade you that this war was a capitalists' war. Workmen who are listen­ing to me, do you think if that were true your brothers in Europe would have risen to a man and flocked to our flags? Do you believe that the French workers of the General Federation of Labour, of the English Trade Unions would have taken up arms to defend the interests of capital­ism?

The truth is that no greater deed was ever ac­complished by men than the deeds you see to-day.

This is no war of conquest: this is no war for territories. It is fought for all humanity, for de­mocracy, for liberty.

And that is why in answer to the speakers you have just heard and who are your fellow country­men, all with one soul you will join in this war, and come to the help of France and her allies, to fight for civilization. You will avenge the sol­diers of the Marne who fell for right and justice. You will avenge all the heroes who for three years have held back the German threat to the world, thrown barbarism back, and will shortly hurl the oppressor back to his lair.

Up then, citizens! To arms to defend liberty, to defend justice! Our meeting place shall be on the battlefield that liberates. There we will com­plete the great work Washington began. As an orator said just now. No man has a right to live for himself alone, to die for himself alone: no people has the right to live for itself alone, no people to die for itself alone. We all owe the same debt to civilization, to democracy. For them we will fight to the death. Long live France! Long live the United States of America!